Nigredo now on Full Screen!!

Hey everyone!

Big news today: we’ve squashed that annoying bug with full-screen mode in Nigredo. 🎉 A lot of you were having trouble with distorted visuals, funky aspect ratios, and crashes when going full-screen. We heard you loud and clear and have sorted it all out.

Here’s the lowdown:

What Went Wrong: When switching to full-screen, the game was having some major identity crises—like it didn’t know how to handle different resolutions and screen sizes.

What We Did to Fix It:

  1. Pinpointed the Issue:
    • Recreated the problem in our dev setup to see exactly what was happening.
  2. Fixing the Bug:
    • Resolution Handling: We revamped how the game manages different screen resolutions to make sure it looks right on any screen size.
    • Disabled Pixel Perfect Camera: We turned off the Pixel Perfect Camera feature, which was causing issues with scaling and resolution changes. This camera mode was designed to keep graphics crisp at certain resolutions but was interfering with full-screen display, so we disabled it for a more flexible and stable visual experience.

What’s Next:

  • Keeping an Eye Out: We’ll be watching feedback to ensure the fix is working and no new issues pop up.
  • Future Updates: We’re already gearing up for the next update, with more tweaks and features based on your feedback, like direct assignment to workstations, instead of random selection.

Shoutout: Thanks a ton to everyone who reported the problem and gave us the scoop. Your input was super helpful!

Wrap-Up: You should now be able to enjoy Nigredo in full-screen mode without any hiccups. Dive back in and let us know how it goes!

Catch you in the game,

Gustavo Dias,

Pingado Interactive

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